Hi! Since you’re here, I’m sure you’re wondering more about how this works?
As a naturopathic physician, i work with your body from a spiritual and physical perspective. Your first session with me will be 90 minutes long, in which i ask you many questions pertaining to your current and historical health. In this session, your treatment plan and recommendations will be established.
Follow-up sessions are established in our first session together, in which i will give you my recommendations and directive based upon our consult. I recommend a combination of lifestyle, functionally medical, and physical medicine-based approaches that are bio-individual to your emotional, physical and spiritual health. Follow-up sessions can vary in time, but typically are 45-60 minutes (this depends on your health picture and our plan for you).
Uncovering the language of what your body is trying to communicate through illness, pain, inflammation, habitual sabotage, avoidance (the list goes on!), can be a scary, yet rewarding journey, instilling one with empowerment for navigating an often confusing world with more authenticity, health, and vibrancy.
I call upon the following modalities as we work together on your health journey (these are offered virtually and in-person):
Functional medicine and nutrigenomics
you may be asked to provide any labwork you have access to from the previous 3 years
Nutrition, exercise, and supplement + botanical recommendations
Labwork (insurance or cash-based)
Environmental detoxification
Trauma release and dynamic nervous system rewiring
Physical Medicine modalities (only offered in St. Thomas):
Visceral Manipulation
Craniosacral Therapy
Myofascial release
Somatic trauma mobilization
Lymphatic Drainainge
Sinus treatment (I encourage 3 sessions minimum for long-standing issues)
Coming soon to St. Thomas:
Constitutional hydrotherapy
Biological Injections
IV Nutrients
Contact Dr. Thomas directly for appointments, pricing, and location at this time. You will be updated with an online booking option, soon.